
During 2010-12 I'll be updating this photoblog of St. Catharines and surrounding area. In addition to the city's natural beauty I'm looking for events and people to add to this blog. Do you have a band? Into Sports? Have an event? I'll cover it at no charge and post the photos here.

I hope you enjoy my work!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

St. Paul and Ontario St. district

These are the storefronts across from 1 St. Paul. 

A beautifully redone building at the corner of St. Paul and Queen St.

Another well restored building
(that needs a bit more paint)
along St. Paul St 

On Ontario St. a roof top that demonstrates the beauty of some older buildings.  While in need of paint the detail of the roof provides some interest.
All photographs by Jan Maklak